
First Grade Classroom Exchanges

Hi All - A couple of teachers at my previous school are interested in developing partnerships with teachers and students in other countries. Their students are in first grade and are around six to seven years old. FYI, I still work with these teachers through another agency that does math and science work in the school. Anyway, I'd love to help facilitate some connections with teachers from the GEC for my colleagues. I also would like to help whatever group forms to develop some concrete, easy to accomplish activities to foster classes getting to know one another. Hopefully, some of these ideas will focus on math and science, as my new job is related to those subjects. If you're interested in working together and planning something for the upcoming US school year, please let me know. US educators as well as teachers from abroad are welcome! Thanks, Lucy Gray

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  • Co-Chair
    Having posting issues here! If you'd like to participate in an online meeting to plan some activities with teachers, RSVP here:
  • Hi Lucy
    My first grade teachers would be very interested in participating. On the GEC Spreadsheet I offered a First Grade project based on a "Teddy Bear Exchange". Participating classes are paired and exchange teddy bears - each student receives a teddy bear from their partner class - and then the classes learn about bears, Teddy Bears and each other.
    Please contact me Laurie Yingling at or I am on iChat at lck8teacher.
  • I teach K in CA but would like to do a global exchange project as well. I was thinking of something possibly as simple as sharing about our local habitats, community workers, trees, local animals or family traditions. Exchange could be done with digital images or even a flip camera. Basically a social studies connection thta could be open ended. Any thoughts?
  • I am also a first grade teacher in Wisconsin that would be interested in connecting with other first grade classes across the globe. It would be great to help our children learn about cultures from other schools around the world. A first grade teacher friend would also be interested in making global connections. Melanie
    • I am a second gr. teacher in WI. How exactly does this work? Thanks.
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