Note: This information is for those who will be attending the International Society for Technology in Education conference in San Diego, CA, in the US. It starts on June 24. We are holding a meeting for GEC members who will physically be there. At this time, we do not have plans to stream this event. Do not confuse these event, too, with our online full conference which will take place November 12 - 17.
On Sunday, June 24, 2012 the Global Education Conference Network and iEARN will be hosting its first Global Education Summit as part of ISTE Unplugged activities at the 2012 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference. The purpose of this event is to provide a face-to-face networking opportunity in an "unconference" style for any person interested in global education initiatives. The guiding philosophy around our November conference is that solid professional relationships and community building activities support success global collaborations between educators, schools and organizations. Thus, we want to provide another opportunity at ISTE for like-minded people to gather. Many people and organizations want to share their work and be inspired by others who may be attending ISTE and/or who are located in the San Diego, California area. This is also a great opportunity to bring educators together who may have met online during sessions for the 2010 and 2011 Global Education Conferences.
This summit will be free and open to all. You do not have to register for ISTE in order to attend. However, we do need to provide a list of attendees to ISTE, so please make sure that you join the Global Education Conference Network and respond to this event invitation.
Bring your ideas, projects and enthusiasm to the summit as there will be three different activities for sharing and learning. Here's our tentative agenda:
I. Welcome and Introductions
II. Global "Ignite" Talks
- People who'd like to share their work around global education will do brief presentations in the Pecha Kucha style: 20 slides, 20 seconds per slides. All slides must have automatic transitions. More on this to come. If you would like to do an Ignite talk, please sign up on this wiki page.
III. Lightning Rounds
-Presenters from the Global Ignite sessions will facilitate 3 20 minute roundtable discussions based on the theme of their Ignite talk. Participants will divide into small groups and wil join the presenters to learn more about their area of interest and/or to share their related work and ideas.
IV. Speed Networking
- Attendees will quickly introduce themselves to each other, sharing a bit about their interests and work in this fast paced activity. Make sure to bring your card, virtual or real, so that you can exchange contact information if needed.
Date: Sunday, June 24, 2012
Where: San Diego Convention Center Room 5
Time: 2 PM - 5 PM
Organizers: Lucy Gray, Steve Hargadon (The Global Education Conference Network); iEARN
Also, keep in mind that the ISTE keynote will take place at 5:45 PM followed by an opening reception and global project showcase from 7 PM - 8:30 PM. These events following our global summit are only open to those registered for the ISTE conference.
Attached is a flyer.... please share this information with colleagues who may be traveling to ISTE.
Lucy Gray
2012 Global Education Summit at ISTE
Hashtag? so I can tweet about it?
Our Twitter feed box is located on most pages here in the GEC network. Look at the green in the lefthand column and you'll see that our tag is #globaled12.
Thanks for helping us spread the word!