Your Name and Title:

Trish McCarty, Founder & CEO

School or Organization Name:

StarShine Academy International Schools

Co-Presenter Name(s): None

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:

Rome, Italy

Language in Which You Will Present:


Target Audience(s):

Global Learning Leaders, Teachers, education leaders, teacher-trainees, administrators, anyone interested in education change, digital/online technologies to support connected, collaborative learning

Short Session Description (one line):

For Learning Leaders: 30 Things to Understand About our New Country: The Internet

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

We are experiencing change in such a way as “rapid” doesn’t begin to describe. As “Learning Leaders” how can we begin to help others navigate and thrive in the midst of these exponential changes?

For years, we have defined “competency” as a result of knowing and understanding certain content. With content available at the click of a button from Google, we now know “competency” means so much more. Competency-based learning or Competency-Based Education and training is an approach to teaching and learning more often used in learning concrete skills than abstract learning.  The Internet requires much more if you desire to become or to be declared as an expert at anything. Abstract learning and thinking are the differentiators.

We are now a member of this new world of Superconnection.  “Context” not “Content” is the new Queen. “A context is a scheme of relations that alters the way we understand things. That set of relations can very broadly and deeply expand out or it can be narrow and pointed making the latter much more easy to grasp and draw definitive conclusions from. So if you take something out of its scheme of relations you shift the base upon which you can draw conclusions.” In this new country, everything, everything, is integrated, sometimes instantly.

I have put together a list of 30 Things to Understand, Question and perhaps Answer as we each maneuver our connected world on the Global Internet and as we provide direction for others to follow as Learning Leaders.

  1. Know yourself. Know what it is that makes you the best. Understand your weaknesses and do what you can to work on improving them, but don’t pretend they don’t exist. Everyone has stronger and weaker assets. You should be making a living with your best ones, not your worst. The Internet with all of your collected data shines a light on your attributes faster than before, so own it and do something with it to make the world better.
  2. Connect vs/ Convince  When you begin to lose a connection with someone and begin to convince others of the importance of you or an idea or a product, you are inside of fear and it will turn off,  others. Even connecting around the world, ask yourself, how can I connect on our common interests and leave out the other stuff.
  3. Music is the First Language. Music connects, even music from completely different cultures. Share it, talk about it and make it an integral part of whatever else you are working on.
  4. Keep curious. Stay away from judgement as much as possible. Curiosity makes your world more interesting and bigger. Judgements narrow your view.
  5. To be continued….

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