Your Name and Title: Dr.Revathi Viswanathan
School, Library, or Organization Name: B.S.Abdur Rahman University
Co-Presenter Name(s): ---
Country from Which You Will Present: India
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.): Teachers of all levels
Short Session Description (one line): This session would focus on the possibility of preparing students (across the globe) for corporate work culture, with the help of multimedia.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Students of this era need to be educated on the changing global corporate life and multicultural issues. Every country has a unique corporate culture and in the case of India, its diverse work culture offers lot of scope for learning Indian corporate life and its impact on environment, to new generations. There is a necessity for teachers across the globe to foster an understanding of cultural aspects among students and here multimedia tasks would come to teachers' rescue. It is worthwhile to mention that the inputs presented even in online magazines could be used for designing multimedia tasks. While the multimedia files give an exposure to the corporate scenario and culture of a particular country, they further help teachers to provide simulation of situations of working in different countries to students. In this presentation, the presenter would discuss a few sample multimedia tasks designed (by her) by using online Indian business magazines, to highlight the way those tasks create awareness of Indian corporate culture and its impact on environmental consciousness.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session (if any):---
Tags: 2012Teachers
This session is accepted, but it looks like you have a duplicate proposal under Submissions. Please delete it as it makes things confusing. You can always edit existing entries by going to the OPTIONS menu in the upper right hand corner.
Thank you,
Lucy Gray
Thanks Ms.Gray for accepting my proposal. I have deleted the earlier proposal on the same topic.
I am sorry for the inadvertent error made.
How does this relate to the mission of our conference? Please review our call for proposals and our mission: We are seeking proposals that address the development of global awareness and competence in teachers and students. Let me know if you make any changes, and I'll review your proposal again.
Lucy Gray
Dear Ms.Gray,
I have modified the proposal and resubmitted as another discussion. I hope it now goes with the mission statements!
Looking forward to your reply.
You do not need to re-submit as another discussion. You can always edit your original proposal by going to OPTIONS in the upper right hand corner and editing.
I have edited my original proposal as you have suggested.
Dear Ms.Gray,
I will modify it again and send the proposal as soon as possible.