Your Name and Title: Michael Furdyk, Co-founder & Director of Innovation, TakingITGlobal

School or Organization Name: TakingITGlobal

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Canada

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s):

Short Session Description (one line): Learn about a certification program that allows schools to teach 21st century skills and the traditional “3Rs” in a connected global society.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Technology allows us be connected and be informed about the complex and complicated global problems. With the vast amount of information on our fingertips, students are finding schools to be boring, irrelevant, and  little connection between school and the “real world”. The lack of interest in school is increasing the pressure on educators to keep students motivated, be driven problem solvers, and future global leaders.

Schools are now expected to teach "21st century skills", as well as the traditional "3 Rs" of reading, writing, and arithmetic, and to produce strong results in regional and national standardized testing as well as competitive global studies. They are also expected to creatively integrate new tools and technologies, while effectively guarding against threats such as cyberbullying and identity theft.

Schools determined to rise to the challenge of true 21st century teaching and learning can participate in the Future Friendly Schools certificate program. This global network allows schools to collaborate in learning and teaching, challenge each other to serve and include every learning, and celebrate achievements beyond just test scores.

Future Friendly Schools are defined by their demonstrated commitment to global citizenship, environmental stewardship, and student voice. Schools in this global network:

  1. Recognize that citizenship is both local and global.

  2. Know that student engagement and leadership have benefits far beyond the classroom.

  3. Understand that there is no future without a planet to share.

By participating in this program, schools are not only awarded a Future Friendly Schools designation, but also gain access to a global community of practice and a wide range of resources, programs, and professional development that empower them to be living laboratories for continuous improvement for 21st century teaching and learning.   

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