In case you missed the blast to the GEC community:
A message to all members of The Global Education Collaborative
Greetings, GEC members!
State of the Community: 1857 members, at least 65 countries represented, 12 events listed and 95 projects in our group spreadsheet.
On the Front Page: This month, I've featured members affiliated with non-profit organizations. If you want to be part of this, send me a message. In August, I'll be featuring higher ed members; this group's numbers are growing within the GEC.
New This Month: New projects include general collaboration activities with a fourth grade class at an international school in Qatar and Ways of Seeing Africa, a project starting in July at Mallya Aditi International School in Bangalore, India. Check out the spreadsheet for details: http://tinyurl/gecprojects. The spreadsheet is now editable by everyone if you need to make changes.
Also, I am building a GEC bibliography. Enter your suggestions for essential books and articles for both kids and adults: The growing list will be available here:
NECC Update: If you will be in Washington DC for NECC, don't miss the international education birds-of-a-feather session on June 30; additional details are available here: I'll be in DC Friday, June 27 through Wednesday, July 1. I'll be on a panel about podcasting Monday AM and can also be found periodically in Google's booth. Don't forget to join the NECC group within the GEC to find other members who will be attending!
Membership Drive: If we want to increase opportunities for collaboration, please help bring more members into the GEC. Use the Invite link to invite colleagues and friends to join us.
Twitter: Follow the GEC on Twitter
Spam Alert: In just about every Ning community that I belong to, I've experienced comments on my personal page from spammers trying to lure people to web cams. I've started moderating our membership, and I encourage you to do the same if you are a creator of a Ning.
Lucy Gray
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