Your Name and Title: Jenny Lussier, Elementary Library Media Specialist

School or Organization Name: Regional School District 13

Co-Presenter Name(s): Michelle Gohagon

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Connecticut, USA

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): K-6 teachers, administrators, technology specialists, library media specialists

Short Session Description (one line): This session will explore global celebrations of learning and how to connect your classes, with tips on how to get started and targets from the Common Core State Standards.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): “Who are we connecting with today?” If that is a question you would like to hear your students ask you every day and you want to be inspired as you share your students’ learning, join us as we explore the global celebrations of learning in which we participated in the past year and a half. Celebrations such as these bring a passion for learning and connecting to the forefront of your classroom, with emphasis on fun, digital citizenship, and developing empathy, while supporting Common Core State Standards in a variety of subject areas. Today’s students demand authentic audiences and the ability to connect with other students and experts throughout the world to support their learning. Participating in global learning celebrations give students the opportunity to be proud of and share their growth as learners throughout the content areas.

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