Your Name and Title: Mabel Bashorun, Internationalization Specialist

School or Organization Name: Fairfax County Public Schools

Co-Presenter Name(s): Craig Perrier

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Fairfax, Virginia, USA

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): K-12 teachers, administrators, Higher Ed

Short Session Description (one line):Global Citizenship Professional Development for K-12 Teachers

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):


According to Fairfax County’s student mission, Portrait of a Graduate, global citizenship refers to the ability of students acknowledging and understanding diverse perspectives and cultures in the consideration of issues that impact our local area, nation and world. However, teachers need to embody the global competence, awareness, and engagement we seek to develop in our students. To begin the conversation of global citizenship in the classroom, we created an Academy Course that examines the “how” and “why” of global education and also reviewing content so that teachers have new strategies in weaving global themes throughout the curriculum. Through course readings, discussion, and presentations, our professional development course explores ways to make global perspectives a part of the daily fabric of their classroom instruction.  This session outlines an example of how we approached engaging teachers in the conversation of global education so that such teachers may partake in the supporting vision that was created to ensure every student graduates fully prepared for the world.

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