Your Name and Title:Andreea Bordeianu, SEHS Global Initiatives Coordinator School or Organization Name:Oakland University Co-Presenter Name(s): Area of the World from Which You Will Present:US Language in Which You Will Present:English Target Audience(s):teachers Short Session Description (one line):Global Competencies for Teachers and Professional Development Full Session Description (as long as you would like): There is no doubt teachers need to be globally competent in the world we live in. Professional development opportunitites are in existence to provide preparation of teachers to embrace a global perspective of teaching, to be aware and understand global issues, to be active in the community as global educators. Partnerships projects between k-12 and teacher preparation programs need to be formed in order to provide better professional development for teachers to become globally competent. This presentation will look at the current research and frameworks of what it means to be a globally competent teacher. Different opportunities will be presented for teachers who want to embrace global education. The presentation will also have an open discussion part to share ideas of ways within schools to include global education and global competencies within teachers professional development.

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