Dear GEC Community Members -
We need our membership to provide us with recollections and anecdotes as we prepare to celebrate this community. If you have a moment, please take this survey:
This November, we'll be celebrating the fifth anniversary of the Global Education Conference, an online and around-the-clock extravaganza focused on providing collaborative opportunities for educators and organizations. You can find our web site at
We are now 19,165 members strong with 41 people joining the GEC network alone this week. 557 videos and 4,483 photos have been posted to our community, 3265 discussions listed in our discussion forum, and 438 events and 1197 blog posts have been created. There are also 156 affinity groups listed on our site! Amazing!
We're looking for GEC members to provide some feedback and reflections about their experiences within our year round community and during our annual online conference. Specifically, we would like to better understand the impact of the network and conference upon our members, both personally and professionally. Tell us if you've found a great project, learned more about a topic, connected to others through GlobalEdCon, etc. We want to hear from you!
We will be using your input to possibly create content for multimedia projects for our 2014 conference and for workshops and presentations that we give in various locations related to global education and this event.
My co-chair, Steve Hargadon, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to share your thoughts and help us tell the story of this collaborative journey! Again, here is the link to our survey:
Thank you in advance,
Lucy Gray
Conference Co-Chair
elemenous@gmail or