Global Education Magazine: International Day of Democracy (September 15th, 2013)

Cultural Democracy is a dynamic process which works to create awareness and responsibility with people in the free world.

Considering the challenges of globalization, this edition of Global Education Magazine intends to reflect on the supranational level actions that promote political unity and equal rights, respecting all diversity and minorities.

Karibu! The word democracy comes from Greek “demos”, it means people and those who hold sovereign power. Thus, democracy is closely interrelated to metacognition of feelings and fundamental principles of others. For this reason, current global educational policies must support the civic imperative to educate in neurobiology of love and solidarity: through an isomorphic ontology which recognizes the 60,000 daily deaths due to hunger and homelessness as our own ndugu (“brothers” in Swahili).
Moreover, we must discern that dignity and freedom of human being also belong to cosmic and planetary order, because we are made of stellar material! The emergence of human being on Earth is just one stage of the universe. We are eco-dependent beings with a double identity: one´s own identity that distinguishes us from others and another one which is interdependent to environment. An environment constituted by all beings that feed upon it, which can only build their existence, autonomy, creativity and individual wealth in ecological relationship with the environment. That is, individual-social development and environmental-planetary evolution are mutually dependent, because the permanent metamorphosis of nature is an autopoietic totality in continuous transformation.
Therefore, a historical turning point would entail the recognition of a real education that teaches to contextualize, summarize and globalize through Sattwa osmotic communication. The Homeland-Earth harmonization requires knowledge evolution towards new transhumanists and transnational dialectics concepts in order to prevent future conflicts. In this sense, Internet’s recognition encouraged by International Law is an immediate priority to evoke an opening tolerance of diversity and transcultural democracy. Internet is, in essence, a parallel space-time which feeds on the concept of transnational, transcultural, transpolitical, transreligious and transhumanist connectivism.
Global Education Magazine aims to create and disseminate specialized knowledge with multi, inter and transdisciplinary contents, with original works of research, studies, reviews and innovative experiences to improve management and practice of institutions and organizations with humanitarian and philanthropic educational activities. For that reason we promote copyleft and creative commons for the dissemination of the magazine.

Global Education Magazine is destined to raise awareness, to develop critical thinking, and encourage the active participation of students in achieving global citizenship, solidarity, and committed to poverty eradication and sustainable human development.

Their preferred writers are come from educational scientific community with international projects, humanitarian and voluntary activities, as well as cooperation and development: Public and Private Educational Institutions, NGOs, Development and Cooperation Associations, International Volunteers, etc
We have the followings publications in the current journal:


Some articles are available for blinds available for blinds, Global Education Magazine



 The Planetary Cybernetic Intelligence: A Transhumanist and Transcultural Democratic territory

La Inteligencia Cibernética Planetaria: un Territorio Democrático Transcultural y Transhumanista

Javier Collado Ruano, Director of Global Education Magazine

Carta abierta del Sr. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel al Presidente de los EE.UU. de Norteamérica Barack Hussein Obama


Especial Democracia: Questões Acerca da Transdemocracia ou Multidocracia na Sociedade Telemática Contemporânea.

Dante Augusto Galeffi

La démocratie au Parlement des enfants, écoutons leur voix!
Sonia Colasse
UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award?


Interview with Prof. P. Krishna: Education, Science and Spirituality.




1stMillennium Development Goals of the United Nations Section:

Post-2015 Development Agenda: Targeting Poverty through Sustainable Peace. Mugo Mugo
Democracy, Sustainability and the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Ashish Kothari.
Democracy and Democratic Transition: Lessons from Egypt and Tunisia. Matthew J. Gordner
Tilting the Playing Field: The Modular Appeal of Competitive Authoritarianism. Charles Larratt-Smith


2nd) Global Education Section:

Human Collaboration the Peoples Revolution of a Global Learning Framework. Richard Close
Face to Face: Global Understanding Through Personal and Virtual Contact. Judith Beth Cohen
Civic and Intercultural Education: A Means for Community Development and Attitude Change. Oana Nestian Sandu
 Environmental Services in Environmental Education. Valdir Lamim-Guedes
The Creative Communication. Dorina Marin


3rd) Transversal Studies Section:

The Use of Plant Characterisation Modelling Studies to Substantiate National Conservation and Sustainability Policies James Furze, Quanmin Zhu and Jennifer Hill.
La Cooperación al Desarrollo a través del turismo en países subdesarrollados. Francisco Orgaz Agüera.
What Hides Behind the Listener: Harmonic Contribution to Timbre. Pedro Javier Gómez Jaime y Victor Mancir da Silva Santana
Arqueologia de um futuro não premeditado. Kleber Lopes de Oliveira

In addition, we also have other interesting letters with useful information:

Education All Children for Nonkilling. Francisco Gomez de Matos
International Day of Democracy: The Contribution of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Network. Linda Hartling, Evelin Linder, Michael Britton and Ulrich Spalthoff.
GreenEarthCitizen (GEC). Fen Wang
Schools in Emergency: Learning From Past Mistakes. Donna Goodman
Global Learning Academy: Wish List. Rubina Ali
Readdle’s “PDF Expert”: combining technology and education for a sustainable futureVictor Mylonas


Global Education Magazine encourages all readers to participate in the coming editionHuman Rights Day (December 10th)

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