Your Name and Title: Prakshi Goel (student)
School or Organization Name: St.Mark's .sr .sec.public school
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: India
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s):Student and Teachers
Short Session Description (one line):The presentation/discussion "GLOBAL ISSUES" will focus on global issues such as education , agriculture , human rights , food , health ,development ,etc
Full Session Description (as long as you would like): The presentation/discussion "GLOBAL ISSUESS" is all about problems which are being faced globally by every citizen .
Just a quick reminder that if you are planning to revise your proposed session, please do this by November 15th and make sure your proposal aligns to our mission: Send me an email at when you have done so, and I’ll be happy to review it again.
Lucy Gray
Conference Co-Chair
This presentation needs a longer and more detailed full session description.
Lucy Gray