Your Name and Title: Sue Toms, Head of Libraries

School or Organization Name: Busan International Foreign School

Co-Presenter Name(s): just me!

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: South Korea

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): K-12 teacher librarians, classroom and technology teachers, parents and anyone interested in audiobooks, literacy and verbal fluency.

Short Session Description (one line): 

Global voices: International school students developing verbal fluency with audiobooks.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

This workshop will provide current research about international school student perceptions of their verbal fluency and language accent development from listening extensively to downloadable audiobooks outside of class. These findings are from action research conducted as part of the presenter’s Doctorate of Education (University of New England, Australia). 

This workshop supports the conference mission by presenting a global opportunity for collaboration in similar action research projects that require students to demonstrate 21st century skills to download audiobooks anywhere in the world and listen on their own devices. The dominance of text is changing in our digital world and storage and accessibility of the spoken word has now become similar to text.

The aim of the workshop is to encourage K-12 librarians, technology and literacy teachers to take action to introduce the widespread use of downloadable audiobooks in their schools and to share research results with a network of worldwide educators in the future. I presented a similar workshop at the March 2013 EARCOS teacher conference in Shanghai, China and online at Library 2.013 in October.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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