Your Name and Title:
Michelle Macumber - Learning Center Community Leader
School or Organization Name:
VIF International Education
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Emily Liebtag - Manager of Curriculum and Instructional Design
Area of the World from Which You Will Present:
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Language in Which You Will Present:
Target Audience(s):
K-12 Teachers and Administrators
Short Session Description (one line):
In this presentation, presenters will share ideas about how to globalize any lesson and participants will practice strategies so they are equipped to transform and create their own global lessons.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Are you a global educator teaching about area and perimeter? Are you trying to develop a lesson about biomes or fairy tales and can’t fathom how to turn these into global lessons?
In this interactive session, teachers will learn practical strategies for taking any curriculum standard and using it to create a global lesson. Participants will have a chance to apply and practice such strategies so they can confidently take these ready to use ideas back to their classrooms.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: