Your Name and Title: Sebastian Panakal, Mentor

School or Organization Name: St. Mary's Public School, Puthuppally, Kottayam, Kerala, India

Co-Presenter Name(s): Ashik Mathew Thomas, Elizabeth Joseph, Abhishek M Joseph

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: India

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Parents, Teachers, Students, Educators

Short Session Description (one line): Connected Learning Activities through Social Service

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): On September 25th 2015, 25 countries adopted a set of 17 sustainable development goals (#SDG), as part of the United Nations, to end povertyprotect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. 

This session will demonstrate how School Students in Kerala, India connect with HLWS classrooms abroad; and collaborate on and co-learn curricula based lessons.  In keeping with #SDG 11, #SDG 13 and #SDG 15, students at both ends of the connection, plant trees commemorating the connected learning, honoring teachers at both ends #TeachersMatter

Educators will learn how Hello Little World Skypers students in India connect with schools world over using a range of tools, including  Skype, Google Hangouts, Blackboard Collaborate, Zoom or any Video Conferencing software and show your students how to make garden pots using waste paper.

Connected learning is recorded and uploaded at our schools Wiki, Blogs, Slideshare and Video Channels. Tree Twinning: Using Skype for Good, learners at both ends contribute to nature, ecology, learn lessons in Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and strive towards UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

This session will show how the ideas can be extended to plant saplings all over the world honoring the global connections that are made and the global projects that students have been involved in.. As members of Hello Little World Skypers, student families in Kerala have started planting trees honoring Global Educators, past teachers of our own schools and members of HLWS-our PLN. Together we shall green this world.

Greening benefits all of us. Students strive to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of protecting our using the power of students learning collaboratively across the world.

Websites / URLs Associated with our Session:


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  • Co-Chair


    My comments on your other proposal apply here. Can you edit this and elaborate on what you will cover during the presentation, who this presentation will benefit in terms of attendees etc.? See currently accepted proposals for ideas on how your proposal can be revised:



    • Dear Lucy,

      I have made the edits you recommended.

      Thank you for your awesome support.

      Love, laughter

      Sebastian Panakal

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