Your Name and Title: Anne Fox
School or Organization Name: Anne Fox ApS
Co-Presenter Name(s): N/A
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Denmark
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Teachers interested in developing a sustainable mindset in their students (all levels)
Short Session Description (one line):
Green Pedagogy: An Austrian provocation
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Why is it necessary to provoke students when promoting a sustainable mindset?
The Austrian variant of Green Pedagogy has been confined to the German-speaking world until recently when the European Prof E Sus project had as its goal, the creation of a teacher training course to help teachers promote a sustainable mindset in their students by adopting Green Pedagogy.
In this session I will go through the elements of Green Pedagogy starting with the need to provoke. The Austrian concept of Green Pedagogy widens the scope of teaching sustainability to engage learners. Often topics of sustainability evince boredom in learners, likely because understanding sustainability requires learners to let go of deeply held beliefs so teachers stay at the surface knowledge level. Green Pedagogy starts with concept change, a pedagogy with high effect, to provoke learners with contradictions posed by sustainability. Then sustainability tools such as systems, values, future and strategic thinking and collaboration bring learners to engage personally and collectively with the implications of sustainability. The session will illustrate the pedagogy with a worked lesson plan.
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