Your Name and Title:

Mary Carole Strother

Library Media Specialist

School or Organization Name:

Finch Elementary

McKinney ISD

McKinney, TX

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Lynda Swanner

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:

United States, Texas, McKinney CST

Language in Which You Will Present:


Target Audience(s):

Elementary, Global Projects, Library Media Specialists, Technology Integration

Short Session Description (one line):

Haiku for Kids: Connecting Kids Around the World through Poetry

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Help students see a global snapshot of the world through poetry. Join in the global Haiku for Kids project where students from around the world submit a Haiku poem and photo to give insight into their daily lives and experiences. Haiku poems, popular around the world, gain their inspiration from nature and are written to capture a feeling and form an image in your mind. In this session you will explore a wiki filled with valuable resources that will teach students how to write a Haiku. We will explore children's literature written in Haiku form that will inspire even your reluctant readers. We will learn how to post and download images about nature, taken from all around the world, that will inspire students as they create their Haiku poems. Students will then post their Haiku poems to the wiki and share them with kids all around the world. Through this project, students will learn first hand the Haiku Technique of Association and experience how: "different things relate or come together", "everything is part of everything else", and "boundaries disappear between the things that separate them". Teachers will learn how the iPad can be a valuable engagement tool to bring kids into the world of Haiku. We will explore iPad and iTouch apps that will allow students to pull in digital images, add their poems and then share them with the world. 



Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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