Hands For Peace

Your Name and Title: Mrs Almerinda Garibaldi School or Organization Name: Educadores Globais - Brasília - Brazil Co-Presenter Name(s): Patrícia Faustino, Claudia Batista and Márcia Pinheiro Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Social studies, languages, Language in Which You Will Present: English Target Audience(s): K6 to K12 teachers Short Session Description (one line): Hands for Peace: A Project that invite students to reflect about Peace. Full Session Description (as long as you would like): A) Explaining the Project to the audience The central purpose in this Project is the research on peace gestures and peaceful initiatives all over the world, and over the History. Students will show their findings and new knowledge to each other and to the School Communitty through: 1) Art work: Posters, paintings, sculptures, ppt presentations, vídeo samples, songs, pictures, and others. 2) Research, reading and writing. 3) Online interaction through discussions in iEARN Hands for Peace forum. 4) Final event at School to share all the art work and knowledge with the School community. B) Opening time for questions and answers. C) Closing the session Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: https://iearn.org/cc/space-2/group-484

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  • Hello Mirella, great to know that yoy liked Hands for peace project and presentation.
    Letra me know if you have any interest in making your students participate.

    Hugs, peace,

    Almerinda Garibaldi
    • Of course we want to participate. My email is mirelatanc@yahoo.com

  • great ideea!

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