Haystack EDU presentation proposal

     Your Name and Title: Tom Hayes-Founder and CEO

     School, Library, or Organization Name: Haystack EDU

     Co-Presenter Name(s): N/A

     Country from Which You Will Present: USA

     Language in Which You Will Present: English

     Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.): Teachers and school administrators/HR staff

     Short Session Description (one line): Learn about the need for a new innovative approach to human capital design and recruitment for next generation learning models

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):  K-12 education is at the start of a significant transformation that will personalize the learning process for students.  However, in order for this transition to be successful, teachers will need to embrace and take on new types of roles in the classroom that will frequently be more specialized.  This session will examine where we are in this transition and explore various different emerging roles and human capital models.

     Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session (if any):  www.haystackedu.com

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  • Co-Chair

    Tom -

    If you're a for profit entity and not sponsoring, then you need the only strand of the conference you're eligible to apply for is this one: Innovation Perspectives with GETideas

    You need to edit the tags on your proposal, and get the required additional materials to EdSurge by tomorrow.


    Lucy Gray

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