Hello Little World!

Your Name and Title: Anne Mirtschin, ICT teacher prep to year 12

School: Hawkesdale P12 College

Co-Presenter Name(s): Katherine Zablatnik and Members of the Hello Little World Skypers group

Country from Which You Will Present: Austria, Australia and other countries

Language in Which You Will Present: predominantly English

Target Audience:  Primary school teachers, High school teachers and  administrators:

Short Session Description (one line): A session involving members of the global "Hello Little World Skypers Group" with members sharing the learning that takes place both on a personal basis and across into the classroom using predominantly skype for videoconferencing.

Full Session Description (one paragraph minimum):

HLW skypers is a global skype group, comprising educators from across the globe. It enables videoconferencing worldwide for education with educationalists from many countries. This group was started by Katherine Zablatnik from the alps of Austria. Her passion for videoconferencing with others around the world has been joined with many like-minded educators. This supportive and innovative group facilitates conferencing worldwide for the promotion of education and technology. As one quote says: We are family, working hand in hand to make a better world, trying to understand one another, improving our cultural awareness both professionally and within and beyond our classrooms. There are members from many countries – some highly skilled in technology and some not. All have a strong desire to bring the world into their classroom.

Katherine will outline how and why the group started and share the tools that are used to connect and communicate.  Members of the group  from across the globe will then share stories of connections, how they got connected, the impact on their classrooms, professional development and the value of using videoconferencing for global communication etc. Classroom stories, projects and group discussion topics will be highlighted. Tips and hints will also be shared. Join  this session with this global group of educators who bear witness to the power and potenetial of global education.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: Hello LIttle World Skypers Group wiki

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