Hi, I'm Todd

Hi there. My name is Todd and I'm a high school English teacher in Colorado. I'm a part of a program here at my school called "Global Learners," which encourages teachers to use technology to reach beyond their classroom walls. In addition, the school where I work is an IB Candidate School, and once we are authorized, I will be teaching grades 9 and 10 MYP and DP TOK. I'm definitely interested in collaborating with other teachers as well as working on ways to get my students involved as well.

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  • Todd,

    I'm going to forward your request to members of my department to see if anyone is interested in doing a collaborative project with you and your class room.
  • Co-Chair
    Hi Todd -

    Sounds like your school is really progressive and your Global Learner program sounds interesting! I just came back from working with teachers in Asia. Most were from international schools that were using the IB curriculum. I think I'll start a subgroup here of people teaching IB....

    Anyway, take a look at the global project spreadsheet on the front page of the GEC. You might find some ongoing projects that your students could participate in!

    Thanks for joining and we'd love to hear more about your school's efforts if you feel so inclined!

    Lucy Gray
    • Hi, Lucy,

      Thanks for taking the time to respond. My classroom has been pretty exciting this week, and it has some pretty amazing implications for us as an IB school (once we're authorized). I have an epistemology class, and this week we began live blogging our class discussions. It's been pretty cool. The conversation for the past three days attempted to address the questions: "What is the goal of education? What should it be?" Today we actually had two other faculty members in the room with me, one teacher participated from her classroom, and a student that was absent today logged on from home and was able to be a part of the discussion... it was pretty amazing. When we get back from our December break, I'm going to start having the students text message the question of the day to others and then enter their responses onto the blog as part of the discussion... I think my principal will find it pretty amusing that I'll be using their phones "against them," as it were. :)
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