Your Name and Title: Ms Rita Zeinstejer, EFL Teacher
School or Organization Name: Retired - at present: Freelance Consultant and Presenter
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Argentina
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): ESL/EFL Teachers
Short Session Description (one line): Honing Interaction with International Online Projects
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Language learners should be exposed to meaningful, authentic situations if we want them to develop their language skills to communicate safely and successfully. The four walls of a classroom, textbooks and a teacher-model no longer provide the appropriate environment for real learning in an era when the internet offers educators the chance to communicate synchronous and asynchronously with likeminded people from all corners in the world. It is a must, for us, teachers, to show our students the benefits of interacting, exchanging culture and sharing experiences through the language they have been learning in restricted, artificial conditions.
This presentation will describe two projects EFL students in Rosario, Argentina, carried out with native and non-native English speakers: one, with ten members of the Webhead community, the other, with students from Seoul, Korea, through a wiki at and through a classblog at
Several other Internet synchronous and asynchronous tools and applications I included in my classblog will also be introduced, as well as my students’ video, where they describe the meaning and the value of an experience which opened their eyes, their comprehension of the world and their horizons.
See one Student´s post:
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: included in the Description