Your Name and Title:

Anatoly Lezhen

Founder, INTLCampus

School or Organization Name:


Co-Presenter Name(s):


Area of the World from Which You Will Present:


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Target Audience(s):

Higher education leaders and entrepreneurs

Short Session Description (one line):

Blueprints for a First Global University Concept

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

The largest, best funded, most respected higher education system in the world is being held back by its history, mission, and some outdated structural elements. As a result, it has not been able to expand beyond the United States borders and has very limited capacity to satisfy the global and mobile demand for premium American education. By freeing itself from regional borders, the American university of the future can also free itself from many institutional inefficiencies, while embracing new educational and business models. This presentation outlines the blueprints for a truly global higher education concept by discussing current industry problems and barriers to globalization, and by offering concrete solutions.

In other words: Everybody in the world wants American education. It is time for an existing institution, a partnership of institutions, or a de novo institution to build a truly global American education brand. This “First Global University” would market and deliver premium American higher education globally, versus US-only availability. Such an institution has the potential to become the biggest, and the best, education institution in the world.

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  • Co-Chair

    Anatoly -

    Thanks for your submission. You appear to be representing a for profit company, and we ask that for profits sponsor our conference if their reps would like to participate and present. Please let me know if you need more information about this.


    Lucy Gray
    Conference Co-Chair 

    • Lucy--

      Thanks for responding. Though I am part of a for-profit startup, my proposal is independent of that startup and is based on a book I am currently working on. "First Global University" is only a concept representing a set of ideals -- it is not a product, corporation, or a brand. If you feel that the nature of my proposal is too "commercial", I understand. 



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