Your Name and Title: Jenna Broadbent


School or Organization Name: the Wonderment


Co-Presenter Name(s): Tasi Young, Meridian School


Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Salt Lake City, UT USA


Language in Which You Will Present: English


Target Audience(s): Teachers, Technology Coordinators, Librarians, Administrators


Short Session Description (one line): How to Embrace the Wonder of Global Learning Without Completely Messing with Your World


Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Recent research has indicated that sixty percent of secondary students ranked an understanding of different cultures as the most important subject area, ahead of writing skills and math skills. Nearly all (98 percent) of students in a recent survey agreed that a strong understanding of world history and events is critical to developing solutions to a global problem. Elementary students who learn about global issues are more than twice as likely to see the importance of personally taking social action.


As evidence grows for the value and desire for globally connected inquiry and project-based learning, the need for a new perspective on supporting this grows as well. Teachers who have long believed in the power of this kind of engaged global learning have in the past been saddled with the demands of creating safe tools, relationships and curriculum entirely on their own to support such experiences.


This session will discuss the recent rapid growth of simple, cohesive tools specifically for educators that make the rich human experiences of global learning accessible and fun while providing valuable opportunities to expand and understand digital citizenship in their classroom.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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