  1. Make sure you are a member of the presenter's group (posted on the front page of our web site and in the yellow nav bar at the top of the site).
  2. Visit this group periodically, browse the posts, and ask questions if needed. My preference is that questions are asked there because I'm not always available to answer, and others might chime in and help.
  3. In the presenter's group, there is a Presenter's Checklist. I've also sent it out several times to members of the presenter's group. 
  4. In this Checklist, there is information about training and support. Nikki Ugalde is a volunteer that will provide help this week. Her contact info is in the Checklist doc.
  5. If you have never used Blackboard Collaborate before, it's highly recommended that you make sure your computer is configured correctly. First time users should go here:
  6. Mac users have special instructions:
  7. Note that everyone should have the most recent version of Java running. 
  8. There seems to be a newer support portal for Blackboard Collaborate that may be better than the one we have listed on our site. I'm talking to Steve about updating this. Here's the link:
  9. There are also some live training sessions scheduled as well as a recorded session here:
  10. Some people have said that they have had difficulty getting a free trial of BbC. You can always use our training room to practice:
  11. We do not control our conference site platform (NING) or Blackboard Collaborate. If you have technical issues such as signing in or logging on, you need to contact their support teams directly. Try this link: and this link:
  12. Moderators are great with helping presenters, but it's vital that you are also prepared for your presentation. Please make sure to take the time to use and explore Blackboard Collaborate.

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