Your Name and Title: Matthew York, Executive Director

School or Organization Name: One Mobil Projector Per Trainer

Co-Presenter Name(s): Claire Pelley, Program Coordinator

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: USA

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): NGOs, Ministry of Government Staff, Educators, Trainers, those involved in teacher training

Short Session Description (one line): Improving Teacher Training in the Developing World With Locally Created Video and Cordless Projectors

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): Video is a great way to improve teacher performance with behavior modelling, remote lectures, and performance review. With the advent of cordless projectors, video can be used as a training tool anywhere in the world, even locations without access to electricity. Executive Director, Matt York will discuss using locally created video and cordless projectors to improve teacher training. When organizations can create their own video they can create material in multiple languages and respond to new content needs. It also allows organizations or ministries of government to maintain more control over the end message getting to the target audience. Furthermore, organizations can record teachers practicing new skills and play it back for them to review. Learn more about how locally created video and cordless projectors can improve the way we offer professional development training globally. 

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

OMPT Overview.pdf

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