Your Name and Title: Marouane El Baida, An English Teacher IV
Organization Name: World Learning : IVLP
Co-Presenter Name(s):, Ahmed Alalou, Safae Dehbi and Soufiane Lomari
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Morocco
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Students, Administrators, Educators, Organizations and Education Leaders.
Short Session Description: In this session, we will share with the participants how PLNs empower us -Teachers- to prepare globally ready Moroccan ACCESS & STEAM Students.
Full Session Description: In this session, 3 of my former students and I will communicate with the participants our first experience with STEM Club and ACCESS Micro-scholarship Program, as well as the application for the Junior Academy’s International STEM Program. Safae Dehbi, a multilingual 18 years old “steammist” who is on her 2nd year at the faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat, will share her experience as the first Moroccan STEM Club Manager at Imam Malek Middle school. Ahmed Alalou and Soufiane Lomari , two talented certified ACCESS Microscholarship Program students, will also impart with the participants their experience as Access Program students and how this program empowered them and developed their skills. Safae,Ahmed and Soufiane who have applied to benefit from participating in the Junior Academy's STEM international Program will also talk about this experience. We will also communicate the Professional Learning Networks and programs that helped us grow professionally and develop our skills so as to provide a good supply of ACCESS STEAMMISTS equipped with the 21st century skills.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: