Your Name and Title: David W. Deeds, Technology Integration Coordinator

School, Library, or Organization Name: Colegios Peterson (Peterson Schools), Mexico City

Co-Presenter Name(s): N/A

Country from Which You Will Present: Mexico

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.): High school teachers, administrators

Short Session Description (one line): Information Technology in a Global Society Goes 3D

Full Session Description (one paragraph minimum): Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) is an International Baccaleaurate Diploma Program (high school) course that focuses on the impact of computers on people. Before 3D virtual worlds, students would sit in a classroom and read about being members of a global society. Via Second Life, they are members of a global society! Peterson Schools (in Mexico City) students will be connecting, communicating and collaborating with other learners (and teachers) around the real world using a virtual world!

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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  • Co-Chair

    David, you need to tag this with the required tag or tags as outlined in the call for proposals. Please do this and then I'll approve your proposal.

    Lucy Gray

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