Your Name and Title: Victoria Liu, Founder

School or Organization Name: "Create A School" Organization

Co-Presenter Name(s): Jonathan Becker, Director of Outreach

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: California, USA

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Organizers, Students

Short Session Description (one line): The session is about how "Create A School" organization inspires global youth to reflect on their education. 

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): With the internet, social media, and other technology, the world has become more and more interconnected and globalized. In order to reflect the social reality, education should also incorporate components of global connections. The presentation focuses on how "Create A School" organization builds a global platform for youth from all parts of the world to join the conversation on education. We will talk about events, activities, and discussions we held, and their impacts on youth. Specifically, we will speak of the Unbounded Days,  a project for students to go outside to explore the real world with its multifacetedness. As students with a passion for education, we will also bring a perspective from students in the presentation, in particular on the best ways for students to get exposed to the global culture and history in their education. 

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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