Name and Title: Taru Malhotra :
Integrating technology in primary classrooms: from the learning theories
School or Organization Name: York University
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Toronto, ON, Canada
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): K-12, educators, administrators, training programs
Short Session Description:
The paper discusses the need to integrate technology in primary classrooms and how teachers can effectively train to integrate technology in their classrooms.
Full Session Description:
Keeping in mind the goals of 2013 Global Education Conference, I will like to present a conceptual thought. My research focuses on how teacher’s can be helped globally in understanding the importance of environment in their classrooms and how they themselves can influence this environment and eventually affect children’s learning. Based on my education in India as well as in Canada, I have experienced how the environment of classrooms has changed over the years in both the countries and how learning has changed for children.
While various technologies like i-pods, i-pads, laptops, i-phones etc. have shown their increased presence in our homes and in schools, it has become imperative that we educate our children the correct way to use them. In order to see the correct use of technology, it is required that teachers show children in their early years how to use these technologies. Thus, arises the need for teachers to effectively integrate these technologies in their classrooms.
Research suggests that in primary classrooms especially, teachers determine the resources they offer in their classrooms. Based on Vygotsky’s non-traditional perspective of teaching, my paper discusses how the new modes of learning are engrained in old learning theories. This research area may help teachers understand the need to integrate technology in their classrooms and thus provide effective learning environment in their classrooms.
The paper offers suggestions for teacher training programs and emphasizes on how collaboration and reflection amongst teachers (within schools, provinces or countries) may help teachers modify their beliefs and eventually internalize these new learned ways of integrating technology in their classrooms.
Taru Malhotra is presently pursuing her Masters in education at York University. She has completed her Bachelors and Graduate diploma in India, and has taken a number of courses in early childhood education in Canada.
Her experience includes an extensive use of technology in her work profile as an employee coach and trainee, production coordinator, merchandiser and a manager in firms in India and Canada. Her research interest in the use of technology in primary classrooms arose from her observations as a volunteer at an elementary school in Durham region. As she observes the varied use of technology in different classrooms, she is keen in researching more about its role and understand the effective ways to use it. She is also keen in understanding how teachers’ beliefs can influence the use of technology in their classrooms and how they can be modified globally.
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Hi Taru -
Please read our conference information. We are not a technology conference, although technology supports global collaboration, and we are not a general education conference.
Please revise your proposal (use the OPTIONS button) and resubmit. We need to see more alignment to the overall goals of the conference. You may want to look at accepted proposals for inspiration.
Lucy Gray
Conference Co-Chair