Your Name and Title:  Stacy Shipman

School or Organization Name:  Bellarmine University

Co-Presenter Name(s):  N/A

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:  United States

Language in Which You Will Present:  English

Target Audience(s):  Teachers working with students who are immigrating and/or pursuing global competence.

Short Session Description (one line):  This presentation will briefly discuss Young Yun Kim’s Intercultural Personhood theory that drives the change process in successful acculturation, and is considered as a possible path toward global competence.   

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):  This presentation will present and discuss the Intercultural Personhood theory (IPT) as developed by Young Yun Kim.   Kim’s IPT disaggregates into three interwoven domains: functional fitness, psychological health, and intercultural identity.  I speculate that global competence is a higher threshold manifestation of IPT as reflected in the continuum of Kim’s growth-adaptation model, which is supported by the premise that Kim’s model has been critiqued by others to reflect “a way of being,” and this premise supports the global competence premise of being transcendent of other identity frameworks.   The IPT is reflected in a four-pronged structure: personal communication, social communication, environment, and predisposition.  This presentation will briefly explain each component, and will be followed with a guided discussion focused on education and guiding students toward global competence. 

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:  NA

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