School or Organization Name: iearn France
Co-Presenter Name(s): M. Venugopalan India
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: France
Language in Which You Will Present: English( French possible)
Target Audience(s): Teachers, students
Short Session Description (one line): A project based on international connections between students and linked to the UNICEF report on children..
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Presentation of iearn.
Presentation of the Project. Concrete project to give students the opportunities to interact.
Showing the forum, the works done and shared during the schoolyear.
What changes does it make to introduce international projects in a course.Global citizenship and awareness of students.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Encouraging global citizenship is the key to building a world of sharing, tolerance,mutual understanding and peace! The world "interculturality" is so full of meaning!
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NO blank space. I've fixed it, so you no need to do anything else except for schedule yourself!