Your Name and Title: Sara Abou Afash, Phd Researcher

School or Organization Name: Student at Lebanese University

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Middle East - Lebanon

Language in Which You Will Present: English (I can make it in Arabic if you prefer)

Target Audience(s): Homeroom Teachers, ICT Coordinators

Short Session Description (one line): The session will talk about different technological tools that can be used to help international mindedness in classroom.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): This session will focus on our role as educators in creating opportunities to our students to be open minded, expose them to the world and different experiences and to make use of the technology available around us to their best.the session will talk about some technologies that all teachers can use in their classess to trigger open mindedness and expose students to different ideas, cultures and experiences. It is so interactive session that will provide teachers with hands on and possible applications to technologies in different classes. 

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:


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