Joseph A. Murphy
Dwight Englewood School, Englewood, NJ
Co-Presenter Name(s): NA
Country from Which You Will Present: U.S.A.
Language in Which You Will Present: English, but I would entertain and answer questions in Spanish.
Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.): high school teachers, high school administrators, high school students
Short Session Description (one line): This session will offer an introduction to the International Philosophy Olympiad (IPO) which is an annual essay writing competition for high school students around the world. Students and philosophy teachers from as many as 40 countries gather in a different host country each year and have done so since 1993. The main event is the four-hour student essay writing completion, on one of four philosophical topics written in one of four languages; English, French, German or Spanish. Any one of these languages may be chosen except the student’s national language. So, for example, a Frenchman may not write in French. In Vienna in 2011, the two students from the USA wrote in Spanish.
Full Session Description (one paragraph minimum): (
The IPO essay contest and its various local, regional and national contests is one way of promoting and motivating pre-college philosophy instruction and explicit academic activity in the United States. The international aspect of it adds an important linguistic and intercultural dimension to the whole enterprise, which has both intrinsic and extrinsic value. To see a group of high school students from nearly 40 countries speaking scores of languages while sharing perspectives, music, stories and having fun together seems to be an event that can be transcendental in their lives.
Joe's session will share the history of the IPO, the way that it promotes global awareness and critical thinking by connecting students from around the world through critical thinking and essay writing in a langauge not their own. Joe will share his journey of leading the US delegation to the IPO and will provide a window to participants into this international and quintessential global conference. In addition, details about how one might become involved in the IPO will be provided in the session.
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