On 8 October 2013 at 19.00 till 19.40 CET
Web address: http://connectpro66674008.adobeconnect.com/euproject/ Please login as a guest.
The webinar will be presented by the Dance in education specialists, from Sweden that ran the ARTinEd dance course on environmental education. It will show how the pedagogic and learning aims were used creatively and collaboratively by the students and tutors to create a dance piece that taught the learning objectives.
Most importantly we will show you ways that you can include the arts in your teaching of any primary subject.
About ArtinED
ARTinEd - is a significant European Union funded education project that has designed innovative methodologies:
- For the arts to be a key component of every school subject.
- To enhance creativity in to primary schools through the arts
ArtinEd has created multiple resources for teachers and authorities to help you replicate the use of arts in your teaching.