iEARN is offering educators a 60 Day Free Trial with access to Learning Circles and iEARN projects as a rich component of distance learning!
We especially want to highlight our introductory Learning Circle Hello World.
The 5-week Learning Circle Hello World invites teachers and students new to iEARN to connect with classes across the world, even while we are physically apart. This virtual exchange experience will introduce the basics of Learning Circles, including Teacher Introductions, Class Surveys, and the Exchange of Information. Teachers will be provided with information about the iEARN Collaboration Centre and ways to prepare their classes. See the timeline below
Week 1 - Teacher Introductions
Week 2 - Class Surveys
Week 3 - Classes will post questions about school, community, or culture that they would like the other classrooms to respond to
Week 4 - Classes will answer each other’s questions and post their responses online
Week 5 - Students and teachers say goodbye and close the Circle
This special session begins April 1 so sign up today!