Kids talking to kids

Connecting face to face with others around the world can lead to global collaboration and mutual understanding.

What could be more engaging than kids talking to kids (and adults!) across the world? 

What better way to encourage intercultural understanding and global awareness?

The session will include examples of exciting global interactions which have enabled the ‘flattening of classroom walls’, allowing students to learn from and with people around the world. It will explore the ways learning can be enhanced through such collaborations..

It will highlight challenges and successes as well as effective ways such connections can be established.

It will include a live perspective from India of how such interactions impact on the other side.


Your Name and Title: Edna Sackson


School or Organization Name: Mount Scopus College


Co-Presenter Name(s): Rajendran Dandapani


Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Australia and India


Language in Which You Will Present: English


Target Audience(s): Other educators


Short Session Description (one line): Kids talking to Kids: Connecting for Global Awareness and Inter-cultural Understanding 


Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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