Title: Global Perspectives on Grading and Assessment

Your Name and Title: Dr. Bernard Bull, Assistant Vice President of Academics & Associate Professor of Educational Design & Technology (Twitter: @bdean1000)

School or Organization Name: Concordia University Wisconsin

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Wisconsin, USA

Language in Which You Will Present: US English

Target Audience(s): P-20 Educators and Administrators

Short Session Description (one line): Come explore how can we leverage different forms of assessment to enhance or replace the letter grade system with a more effective model for assessment in the digital age?

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Why do so many schools around the world use letter grades? Where did they come from? What do they tell us and fail to tell us about the learners? What is the relationship between letter grades, student learning, and assessment? What alternatives exist in educational institutions around the world?

This presentation will allow participants to consider the benefits, limitations, and alternatives to using letter grades in learning environments, taking special care to consider a global perspective on grading and assessment. It will include reflection about the role of formative and summative assessment, strategies for leveraging technology for assessment, as well as exploration of topic like digital badges, self-assessment, peer-assessment, narrative feedback, digital portfolios.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: www.etale.org  & www.beyondlettergrades.com 

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  • I loathe the way we currently assess learning and am excited that you are presenting this topic!

  • Co-Chair

    See my previous comments... 


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