Your Name and Title: Tania Rashid, Education Support Coordinator

School or Organization Name: TakingITGlobal

Co-Presenter Name(s): TBD

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Canada

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s):

Short Session Description (one line):  Exploring TakingITGlobal’s online educational games to introduce social and global issues in the classroom.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

TakingITGlobal (TIG) operates an online community of young leaders where they have access to tools and resources to motivate and inspire each other to make differences, learn about issues that matter, and find ways to constructively channel their energy and ideas. has reached over 450 million youth since its launch in 2000.

As TIG's vibrant global community has evolved, educators have sought to integrate its resources into their teaching. One of the many ways educators can integrate TIG resource is through TIG’s Educational Games. Topics covered from politics to mental health, educators are able to introduce social, global, and health issues to students in a fun and interactive way.

As a result of participating in this session, participants will:

  • Be introduce to TakingITGlobal and TakingITGlobal for Educators online community;

  • Learn more about the importance of games and educational games;

  • Develop a solid understanding of all the educational games on the TIG website;

  • Learn how to integrate the study of global, social, and health issues into the classroom through the use of online educational games;

  • Learn how to find the support that they need moving forward.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:


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