Donna Adams Román
Mill Creek School, Geneva, IL, USA
Illinois, USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience: Teacher, Administrators K-6
Short Session Description: Lesson for All focuses on the right of education and the barriers that youth around the world experience.
Full Session Description:
Universal Education for All. This is the second of eight Millennium Development Goals made by the United Nations in the most broadly supported, comprehensive and specific development goals the world has ever agreed upon. It’s big. It’s important. It impacts us all. Lack of education contributes to world instability, inability to make informed decisions, spread of HIV, inability to develop full potential and lead productive, creative lives in accord with interest, among others.
As the author of the Lesson for All for the Global Campaign for Education, United States Chapter, I will provide an overview of implementation in schools and classrooms K-6. Lesson for All is a set of two units focused on the right of education and the barriers that youth around the world experience when trying to access that right. Each unit (K-3 and 4-6) has four lessons with multimedia, discussion and modes of assessment. Lessons are mapped to the Common Core State Standards and the Global Competence Matrix.