Leveraging Fun!

Your Name and Title:
Bonita Steele, Kern Community College District

Director of Grants & Resource Development


School or Organization Name: California State University Fresno


Co-Presenter Name(s):

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:


Language in Which You Will Present: English


Strand: 2014EFA


Target Audience(s): Teacher Leaders


Short Session Description (one line):
 Leveraging Fun!

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):


This session looks at the role of fun in leveraging community resources, providing professional development for teachers in teaching and learning to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goal of education for all.

UN Millennium Development Goals: Where are we?

How can we do better?

Leverage community resources

Professional Development

Teacher Empowerment

How can we do better? – leverage fun!

Spark creativity & learning

Teaching & Learning is more fun

Teacher empowerment

Learning Analytics

Role of Technology

21st Century Skills

Innovation & solving local problems

21st Century Learning Outcomes

How will you leverage fun?

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:



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  • Co-Chair

    Thanks for your proposal. Can you please edit your proposal and elaborate more in the full description? A paragraph explaining your ideas would be appropropriate. It's not clear to me how fun relates to UN MDGs. To edit, go to the OPTIONS button in the upper right hand corner and then SAVE your changes. 

    Lucy Gray

    Conference Co-Chair 

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