Your Name and Title: Dr. Eduardo Raul Rivas Sanchez, President/CEO

School, Library, or Organization Name: Instituto de Liderazgo y Excelencia - Institute for Leadership and Excellence

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Country from Which You Will Present: Colombia

Language in Which You Will Present: English and Spanish (Bilingual)

Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.): Professors- Profesores, Higher Educacion Administration - Administracion Universitaria

Short Session Description (one line): Global Collaboration: Leadership and Excellence in Latin America - Initiating Global Collaboration in Educational Leadership and Excellence in Higher Education.

Full Session Description (one paragraph minimum): This session will address perspectives of leadership and excellence in higher education in Latin America, initiating discussion and global collaboration.  The collaboration efforts will focus on administration, accreditation, global curriculum efforts, staff development and planning.


IT is the intent of the presenter to be able to establish an ongoing dialogue with institutions and educators worldwide that will enhance the capacity of those involved in making decisions addressing leadership and excellence within their individual institutions and in their countries respectively.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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