The Media Education Centre (MEC) for children and youth is founded 1993 as no-political, no-profit NGO, gathering civilest willing to work for aims of scientific and professional researches about influence and use of media in non-formal education of children, young people, educators and all other interested people through media literacy, and in accordance with human and children rights on access to information, rights to preservation of cultural, national and religious diversity and the right to participate in media. One of main goal of the MEC is to promote media like tool for creative expression of the young generation with special focus in environments with multi ethnic population. To support these activities MEC started
Media Laboratory in the March 2006 with kind support of the Austrian Ministry of Culture, Danish Film Institute, European Cultural Foundation and many other Organization and Professionals in field of Media, Film, TV and Animation. ML is today SPACE for learning and PLACE for acquiring necessary skills for creative multimedia production. ML work in the five departments: FILM Laboratory, Animation Laboratory, TV Laboratory, Internet Radio Laboratory and ICT Laboratory. At the moment young Film and Animation Professionals from Serbia with support of the Colleagues from Spain, The Netherlands, Austria, Germany and Poland working on developing new departments: EE (Education for Educators) Laboratory and IIET (Intercultural Interactive Education Technologies) Laboratory. Same year (2006) MEC started with support of CIFEJ Balkan KFK Festival, great meeting place for young filmmakers from 11 countries! March 26th to 30th 2010 we will celebrate five years of Media Laboratory and promote new face of the 5th Balkan PLUS! KFK Festival. July 1st to August 31st 2010 MEC, Media Laboratory and Creative Centers Network will be partners of the International Youth Media Summit in organization of the 5th Global Summit and Summer Youth Film Camp. Media Education Centre hosting HQ of the International Youth Media Summit from 2008 and at the moment we have members and friends from more than 40 countries. Media Education Centre is member of the EAVI (European Association for Viewers Interests) with representative in the European Youth Advisory Group, International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media, CICT/IFTC-UNESCO, The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), Platform for Intercultural Europe end from the beginning of 2009 member of ECFA. For more information please don’t hesitate to write to us at or find time and visit our web site
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Thanks for your kind words. We try to change educational system not just in Serbia but in region (Balkan, 11 Countries) and Europe. Yes, We have very good connection with USA. Cleveland High School in Los Angeles is our great partner and this winter we have Christmas Exchange: two young teacher (animation and sound) and eight our students going in Los Angeles to have Christmases (Catholic and Orthodox) together! Next summer we will be host for USA team: we will have Media Literacy and Information Literacy film, animation, TV and internet radio Camp...
Thanks for links and if you or somebody else like to know more about our activities or like to participate in some of our workshops or film camps I am ready to give more information.
Hi Miomir - Your work sounds amazing. Are you collaborating with anyone in the U.S yet? It seems like there are similar groups here that might be of interest to you.
Thanks for your kind words. We try to change educational system not just in Serbia but in region (Balkan, 11 Countries) and Europe. Yes, We have very good connection with USA. Cleveland High School in Los Angeles is our great partner and this winter we have Christmas Exchange: two young teacher (animation and sound) and eight our students going in Los Angeles to have Christmases (Catholic and Orthodox) together! Next summer we will be host for USA team: we will have Media Literacy and Information Literacy film, animation, TV and internet radio Camp...
Thanks for links and if you or somebody else like to know more about our activities or like to participate in some of our workshops or film camps I am ready to give more information.
Best regards, Miomir
I don't have direct connections to these groups necessarily, but these links might be helpful:
Keep us posted on your work!
Lucy Gray