Title: Live long and 21st-Century On
Your Name and Title: Jason Hodgson, Middle School Principal and Doctoral Candidate
School or Organization Name: California State University, Fresno
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: U.S.
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Strand: 2014 Leadership
Target Audience(s): Educational, Technology, and Teacher Leaders
Short Session Description (one line): 21st-century shift happens; you will be assimilated as the StarTech team conquers continental shifts in technology, culture, and 1:1 readiness.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like): Critical factors in 21st-century shifting. The StarTech team conquers continental shifts and offers perspectives from the community, leaders, and teachers. Beam me up, Scotty--a research study of a large school district in the Central Valley of California consisting of 24 schools and approximately 17,000 students? What is 21st century leadership from the principal’s chair? Doing things right or doing the right thing? The challenges, solutions, and ongoing opportunities social media presents.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: http://bakoteched.wordpress.com/
Dear Jason -
Thanks for your proposal. Can you please edit this and add more language that relates to the mission of the conference? What the implications for the global community? Here's a link to our mission statement which explains our focus: http://www.globaleducationconference.com/notes/The_GEC_Mission_Stat...
Glad to have you and your colleagues at Fresno State participating! I've seen a slew of proposals from there, so I'm assuming you are all in the same doctoral program!
Lucy Gray
Conference Co-Chair