Your Name and Title: Dr. Sherry R. Crow, Associate Professor of School Library Science
Library, School, or Organization Name: University of Nebraska Kearney
Co-Presenter Name(s): Dr. Lisa L. Kastello, Assistant Professor of Art Education
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Kearney, NE
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): School Librarians, Library Professors
Short Session Description (one line): Explores the motivational milieu surrounding information seeking experiences of children from individualistic and collectivist cultures: U. S. (individualistic), Uganda (collectivist), and India (both).
Full Session Description (as long as you would like): What part does native culture play in fostering students' inner desire to seek information? This session will explore the presenters' original research into the motivational experiences in the lives of children from three diverse cultures: U.S., Uganda, and India. Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985) provides the theoretical framework for examining the students' motivational context, while students' disposition analysis is based on the four educative dispositions of an effective learner as described by Bertram and Pascal (2002). Practical applications and strategies for P-12 teachers and librarians will be presented.
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