I am trying something new this semester with my graduate students in the course, Introduction to Education Technology. In the past, I have introduced them to Skype and even set up some educators to Skype into our classroom. But this semester, I would like to make this more of an active experience for each of my students by connecting each of them with an educator on Skype so that they can experience a virtual, synchronous conversation with this technology. They have no PLN established and have no way to find their own connections, so I have set up a Google spreadsheet with some information and a place for educators to volunteer to connect with one of my students. If this is something that is of interest to you, you can read more about it and add your own information by visiting the spreadsheet here.
Also, feel free to pass this information along in whatever channels that you use.
Thanks so much!
UPDATE 2/25/2010: The project has begun, but I will most certainly repeat the project in future semesters in one shape or another, so feel free to still add your name to the linked list above!
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