Greetings All,

I am looking for a class to work with my group of middle school students on the NAIS Challenge 20/20 project this year. The objective of the project is to have students from different countries to explore the issues in each of their communities, and to come up with a solution to carry out.  Below you will find the blurb from the website"

"Challenge 20/20 is an Internet-based program that pairs classes at any grade level (K-12) from schools in the U.S. with their counterpart classes in schools in other countries; together the teams (of two or
three schools) tackle real global problems to find solutions that can
be implemented at the local level and in their own communities. 

Schools do not have to be NAIS members to participate!  We accept private, public, charter schools from the US and any other country.  Schools can
also be elementary or secondary."

I'm very excited for the opportunity, as I know the students are. Australia/New Zealand is our social studies theme for the year, so that region is of highest interest, but a class an interested class in any other area will work just as well.


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  • Hi
    If your still looking I teach at Parramatta Marist in Australia and could organise for a class in year 9 or 10 to work with you.
  • Hi Nia
    I have class in Singapore that might be interested. Can you send me more details. Project Obejctives, how would the collboration work, etc
    Christina Anthony
  • Hi Nia,

    I am from a school in Australia. How old are you students?


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