Making a Difference in 60 seconds!

Your Name and Title: Adam Holden, Executive Director

School or Organization Name:
Instituto Alberto Einstein

Co-Presenter Name(s):
Sara Cook

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:
Panama, Central America

Language in Which You Will Present:

Target Audience(s):
School Administrators, teachers

Short Session Description (one line):
The session discusses how a simple, innovative, and compelling use of digital media has had a significant impact on teachers, both in the way that they understand the skills required of quality teachers and in their daily practice.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Over the past 40 years, Latin America and the Caribbean has undergone an expansion of educational coverage that most countries have taken more than a century to experience. Additionally, the region remains encumbered with widespread areas of chronic poverty and unrest and failing infrastructures. As a result, schools, especially those in rural and/or marginalized communities, often find themselves employing teachers who have little experience, and no formal education training. This has a significant impact on teacher self-efficacy and, subsequently, in teaching quality.

In simple terms, a design team, led by Adam Holden (Cambridge University), has developed a mobile learning platform to deliver critical teaching insights easily and economically throughout the country of Panama, even to rural and/or marginalized communities. These 60-second “Thought of the Day” videos, take the very best research-based educational practice and present them to teachers through a mobile app “60 seconds at a time”!

The session discusses how this simple, innovative, and compelling use of media has had a significant impact on teachers, both in the way that they understand the skills required of quality teachers and in their daily practice.

Come and experience the app – up close and personal! And consider joining the global research project by partnering to serve teachers in your region of the world.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

Apple Store:    “Get an Apple a Day”

Google Play:   “An Apple a Day”

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