The field of global education has a huge opportunity if it analyzes the Sustainable Development Goals with a Global Mind..First step , and I won't belabour the process, but a simple way to understand global mind is to understand Carl Johann Calleman's Ninth Wave Theory.
That may seem a very onerous task since the idea is so profound. Replace the theory with the word consciousness and then we may have a little better way of understanding each other. And when we use the term conscious - we mean of ourselves. Consciousness is an inner experience not an outer experience - at least not at first.
You have to learn one new word. PO.
Po has multiple meanings and was invented back in 1970 to say in a simple word "I think I know what you mean but can you say it to me in another way so I may more fully understand you. or po. Po neither means yes/nor no / not in between not maybe. OTHER Po can be used in a multipe ways - to create humor, to enliven discussion as a tool to accelerate ESL learning. In short it moves us from dualistic towards holistic thinking. And this is the basic reason for Po. It is a global make work project to teach people the different ways of using this word.. In the teaching of the word we will also explore the 17 SDG's and examine them using the co creation wheel and Po.
Each of s will use Po to look at the co creation wheel. Pick a time of day and look at the wheel and how you relate to a colour in each sector.
Consider this just the opening vision with a view to developing the UNRC position globally . If your country does not have the position filled at the moment - take on the Interim Position - as I have for Canada - it does not pay and I do not want the job. Let's figure out a way for Canada to Develop the position.