Here are our latest stats. We are growing!
- We now have approximately 3200 members!
- 212 people have joined our community since March 1.
- These new members hail from: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, France, Grenada, Haiti, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, the Republic of Macedonia, Romania, the Russian Federation, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States.
- Remember that the GEC is searchable if you are looking for find a potential collaborator from a specific country.
- We also have a number of non-profit organizations that have joined.
Some recent projects and posts that may be of interest:
- Lighthouses Around the World
- Collaboration Questions
- Daniel Pink/Thomas Friedman Project
- Filmmaking Project
- Anthropology Project
- World Issues Project
- Russian High School Students Looking for U.S Collaborations
- The Adventures of Tonto's Revenge
- Skype Request - High School American History Class
- 5th and 6th Grade Connection Request
- Curriculum Development Around Languages and Cultures
- Global Competence Instrument
- Spreadsheet of Projects
Steve Hargadon and I are working on plans for a virtual global education conference. We expect to have more news on this front in the next few weeks, so please stay tuned. In the meantime, keep spreading the GEC word and invite your friends and colleagues to join us.
Lucy Gray
On Twitter: